AT6101C, AT6101CM Backpack

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Discreet detection of sources of ionizing radiation with identification of radionuclides.
Effective technical solution to prevent illegal traffic of radioactive materials.
  • Best in class
  • 20 hours of operation time
  • Automatic simultaneous gamma and neutron radiation scanning with radionuclide identification
  • Continuous recording of scanning data with GPS referencing for further analysis
  • Dose rate measurement range can be expanded to 10 Sv/h
  • “GARM” application software for further data processing and analysis in expert mode
  • “ARMS” application  software for automatic transfer of data to a remote server (option)
Gamma radiation detection unitBDKG-11M (1 or 2 units) Scintillation NaI(Tl) Ø63×63 mmBDKG-19M (1 or 2 units) Scintillation NaI(Tl) Ø63×160 mm
Measurement range of ambient dose equivalent rate0.01 – 150 µSv/h0.01 – 50 µSv/h
Sensitivity to 137Cs gamma radiation≥2200 cps/µSv·h-1
(≥4400 cps/µSv·h-1)*
≥6000 cps/µSv·h-1
(≥12000 cps/µSv·h-1)*
Minimal detectable level of gamma radiation dose rate from a source, travelling at the speed of 0.5 m/s0.05 µSv/h
(0.035 µSv/h)*
0.03 µSv/h
(0.02 µSv/h)*
Minimal detectable activity of 137Cs source, located at the distance of 1 m in a time not longer than 2 s. (95% probability of source detection with false alarm rate not above 1 in 10 min.)(450±10) kBq
[(320±10) kBq]*
(300±10) kBq
[(210±10) kBq]*
Alarm activation time<2 s
Typical energy resolution at 662 keV (137Cs)7.5%8%
Identified radionuclides (The library content can be modified on request)Industrial, natural, medical, bremsstrahlung of beta emitters
Option to extend the dose rate measurement rangeBDKG-04 detection unit, up to 10 Sv/h
Neutron radiation detection unit, detectorBDKN-05**, Two Не-3 proportional counters Ø30×360 mm in polyethylene moderator
Energy range0.025 eV – 14 MeV
Sensitivity to 252Cf neutron radiation≥20 impulses·cm2/neutron
Minimal detectable activity of Pu-Be source, located at the distance of 1.25 m in a time not longer than 3 s. (95% probability of source detection with false alarm rate not above 1 in 1 h)(5.00±1.25)∙104 neutrons/s-1
Dimensions450х330х250 mm (in a backpack) 625х500х300 mm (in a case)500х330х250 mm (in a backpack) 625х500х300 mm (in a case)
Weight***7 kg (in a backpack)
17 kg (in a case)
8.5 kg (in a backpack)
18.5 kg (in a case)
* Configuration with two BDKG-11M (BDKG-19) detection units
** Not available for configuration with two BDKG-11M (BDKG-19) detection units
*** Configuration with BDKG-11M (BDKG-19M), BDKG-04 and BDKN-05 detection units