Radiation survey of the area in real time and search for gamma and neutron radiation sources with GPS referencing.
The system can be mounted on a motor vehicle, marine vessel or aircraft without any special tools.
  • User-selectable set of smart detection units
  • High system scalability in terms of sensitivity to gamma and neutron radiation
  • Automatic simultaneous gamma and neutron radiation scanning
  • Real-time display of measurement results with GPS referencing
  • Search and detection of radioactive sources and real-time identification of its isotopic composition
  • Storage and operation in protective shock-resistant cases
  • Assessment of surface contamination with 137Cs radionuclide (kBq/m2, Ci/km2)
Available monitors
[Each monitor may contain 1 – 3 detection units]
[The configuration of the system is user-defined]
1) Gamma and neutron radiation monitor
BDKG‑11M and/or BDKG‑19M – 1 – 3 units, BDKN‑05 – 1 –2 units, BDKG‑04 – 1 unit]
2) Highly-sensitive neutron radiation monitor
[BDKN-05 – 1 – 3 units].
3) Highly-sensitive gamma radiation monitor
[BDKG‑28 – 1 – 3 units]
4) Highly-sensitive gamma radiation counting monitor
[BDRM‑05 – 1 – 2 units]
Total maximum number of monitors in the system18
Identified radionuclidesMedical, industrial and natural
(The library content can be modified on request)
The system in “Search” mode detects gamma radiation source containing 137Cs in less than 2 s in the following conditions:
Gamma radiation detection unitBDKG-11MBDKG-19МBDKG-28BDRM-05
Source activity(450±10) kBq(300±10) kBq(105±5) kBq(100±5) kBq
Distance from source to surface of detection unit(100.0 ± 0.5) cm
Detection probability95%
False alarm rate≤1 / 10 min
The system in “Search” mode detects Pu-Be source of neutron radiation in less than 3 s in the following conditions:
Neutron radiation detection unitBDKN-05
Average neutron flux from source to solid angle 4 π, sr(5.00±1.25)∙104 neutron∙s-1
Distance from source to surface of detection unit(125±1) cm
Detection probability95%
False alarm rate≤1 / 1 h