Standard detectors, usually based on alkali halide scintillators, are used for registration and gamma radiation spectrometry in the photons energy range from 50 keV under the influence of a radioactive source as well as for kitting of measurement devices for ionizing radiation of general purpose. Standard detector consists of a scintillation crystal hermetically packed in to aluminum, stainless steel or titanium container with UV transmitting protective glass. Special low-mass entrance windows are also available. Scintillation crystal is wrapped with reflecting material for maximum light collection. If the customer has a unique application, we can provide custom-made or special designs to ensure the optimal performance.
Well-type design
Side-well and end-well detector configurations are available. This construction allows placing radioactive preparation into the centre of the detector’s sensitive volume and carrying out measurements in approximating 4p geometry.
Well-type detectors are used in medicine, biological research, environmental monitoring, etc.
Integral Assemblies
Scintillation assemblies are used for registration and gamma radiation spectrometry in the photons energy range from 50 keV under the influence of a radioactive source as well as for kitting of measurement devices for ionizing radiation of general purpose. Scintillation assembly consists of a scintillation crystal optically coupled to a photosensitive device (usually photomultiplier tube (PMT), or a silicone photomultiplier (SiPM) or a position sensitive photomultiplier tube PSPMT) and hermetically packed in to aluminum, stainless steel or titanium container. An internal magnetic shield is provided as standard in each assembly.
Scintillation assemblies can be additionally equipped with voltage divider, preamplifier, high voltage generator and other electronic modules at the customer’s request.
If the customer has a unique application, we can provide custom-made or special designs to ensure the optimal performance.
Demountable design
Demountable scintillation assembly consists of a scintillation crystal hermetically packed in to aluminum, stainless steel or titanium container with UV transmitting protective glass and demountable photosensitive device. Encapsulated scintillator is mechanically coupled to a photosensitive device with a clamping flange. This demountable configuration allows replacing photosensitive device without any damage to the scintillator.
Ruggedized Detectors
Ruggedized detectors based on polycrystalline NaI(Tl) and CsI(Na) scintillators are used for gamma radiation registration in the photons energy range from 20 keV to 10 MeV in the temperature range from -20°С to 175°С with the increased resistance to shocks and vibrations in harsh conditions at logging application. Ruggedized detectors with improved mechanical and thermal characteristics are applied for gamma-ray logging in gas and oil industry. To provide increased mechanical hardness ruggedized detectors have a damping system for qualitative work within the product lifetime.
X-ray Detectors
X-ray detectors based on NaI(Tl) crystals are applied for low gamma energy and X-ray detection in the range of photon energy from 5 to 60 keV.
Aluminum or beryllium entrance windows are used for standard detectors. Both open window and integral assemblies with photosensitive device are available.
Medical Imaging Detectors
Amcrys is one of the world leaders in production of medical imaging detectors for nuclear medicine. Medical imaging detectors based on NaI(Tl) polycrystals are produced of high-grade crystals, optical and mechanical components and provide perfect image in the energy range from 60 to 360 keV.
Along with small gamma-cameras for inspection of brain, breast, small animals, etc., we produce large medical imaging detectors, intended for the inspection of human body as a whole, with round or rectangular plates of diameter (diagonal) up to 500 mm.
Pixelated Detectors & Arrays
Pixelated detectors and arrays have a better spatial resolution due to the decreased light spread. Pixelated detectors and arrays are mainly used for x-ray radiation visualization. They can be used with position sensitive photomultiplier tubes (PSPMT) or silicone photomultipliers (SiMP) for small-size detectors for diagnostics of separate body organs and PET, in the non-destructive testing (NDT), in security systems, in astrophysics and fundamental research.