Digital Spectroscopy

In the recent years CAEN developed a new digital platform able to meet different nuclear spectroscopy requirements in a flexible way. This is the result of all the experiences collected in years of collaborations and projects in the field of radiation detection.

Today CAEN is looking far ahead and its roadmap includes the development of instruments not only for research, but for real life applications. A new series of instruments in the field of Environmental Monitoring, Homeland Security and Material Science are under development and CAEN is confident about its capability to provide Top-of-the-Line Instruments.

The first instruments developed combine the best CAEN capabilities: high performance Digitizers, on-board Digital Pulse Processing and state-of-the-art High Voltage Power Supplies, giving rise to a powerful yet compact family of products for Digital Nuclear Spectroscopy.

Measurement Systems

CAEN SyS is the new Systems & Spectroscopy of CAEN Spa. Such division relies upon an extremely strong foundational knowledge of nuclear measurement instrumentation in developing Radiation Measurements Systems and Spectroscopy Solutions. These systems and solutions are perfectly suited to operations involving Nuclear Fuel Facilities, Nuclear Power Plants, Measurements Laboratories, and Security Applications.

GAMON Family

Global Measurement Platform for Nuclear Safety and Security

Sniper GN

SNIPER-GN is a new compact Special Nuclear Material (SNM) isotope identifier with a high resolution hand-held gamma detector


RadHAND is a handheld spectrometer with UHF RFID technology, It helps operators to characterize and track radioactive waste material

Digital Multi Channel Analyzers

780 MCA Family

Features Dual independent 16k Digital MCA available in desktop and NIM from factors Dedicated to high resolution gamma ray spectroscopy…

781 MCA Family

Features Dual or Quad independent 16k digital MCA available in desktop and NIM form factors Dedicated to high resolution gamma…

Hexagon Family

Hexagon is a compact, stand-alone dual digital 32k MCA, available in desktop form factor. It is designed for high energy resolution…


Features Compact portable 16k Digital MCA Suited for high resolution gamma spectroscopy Support continuous and pulsed reset preamplifiers Software selectable…

i-Spector family

The i-Spector modules are a family of products designed to replace existing systems based on PMTs and operate as a…


V1782 is the new CAEN Octal 32k digital MCA. Designed for high energy resolution semiconductor detector is perfectly suited for…

Tube Base Multichannel Analyzers

Gamma stream family

Digital Systems for Charge Integration

Digital Systems for Charge Integration