Dose Calibrator ISOMED 2010
Product Description
Our PC-based Dose Calibrator ISOMED 2010 is designed for the fast and accurate determination of the activity or volume activity of radiopharmaceuticals that are used in the nuclear medicine for diagnostics and therapy. The dose calibrator is calibrated for all common radionuclides, including the RSO nuclides (Y-90, Er-169, Re-186) and the PET nuclides (e.g. F-18, I-124). The influencing factors for containers (e.g. syringe, eluate bottle, capsule) and contents are considered in the measurement.
The dose calibrator ISOMED 2010 is the further development of the successful models ISOMED 1010 and ISOMED 2000. Above all, the long-term quality and user-friendliness of the predecessor models served as a basis for the current model. The dose calibrator ISOMED 2010 is a certified medical device class II b.
Dose calbrator ISOMED 2010 consists of a Standard NettopPC system with standard ISOMED 2010 installed and a gas filled chute ionization chamber 640000 as a detector system, connected to the PC via USB interface. We are using a Cs-137 test source for performance testing.
ISOMED 2010 is used for fast and accurate measurement of activity and volume activity of radioactive isotopes in nuclear medicine, both for diagnosis and therapy. The measurement system is used outside patient area.
The radioactive materials could be measured as liquid or gaseous filled syringes, vials or melted ampules. The measurement of solid sources like capsules, seeds or afterloading is possible as well.
The performance characteristic of dose calibrator ISOMED 2010 is the determination of the activity of radioactive isotopes in diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine. According to regulations there must be performed an activity measurement before each application to patients.
The system must be operated only by educated and especially trained personal like medical technical assistants, technicians, physicians, chemists or physicists at especially controlled and secured areas (Control Area).
In these areas (survey or control area) there is no allowance for unauthorized persons to stay there.
- Fast and accurate measurement of activity and volume activity of radioactive materials eluated from isotope generators.
- Support for apportioning injection solutions or orally dispensed radio pharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy.
- Pre-determination of activity recalculated for the time of application regarding decay correction.
- Measurement of PET nuclides.
- Short measurement times at ampoule filling systems of PET centers.
Additional functionalities:
- Documentation of measurement results and patient data on hard discs, server and external storage media (USB sticks etc.) as well as label printing.
- Possible access of multiple dose calibrators to centralized common patient and measurement data bases (Server).
In our standard delivery program, the ISOMED 2010 is available in the following configuration:
- NetTop PC with monitor and touch screen function with operating system WIN7 and higher
- Measuring chamber 640000
- ISOMED 2010 PC software
Thanks to its small dimensions, the nettop-PC can be mounted behind the TFT monitor. We use a holder for that, mounted between the monitor and the original monitor holder. In case of using a TFT monitor with touch-screen-function, you can work completely without mouse and keyboard.
Types of measuring chambers
The dose calibrator uses a gas filled chute ionization chamber as a detector system.
The standard measuring chamber type 640 000 is calibrated for all radionuclides used in nuclear medicine and radio pharmacy. Further nuclides can be added. The measuring chamber is connected via USB interface.
Quality control
The ISOMED 2010 program contains a menu item for quality control in which some additional quality control features (e.g. response, linearity, constancy test) required by DIN 6855-11 are already integrated. Each check can be selected here and can be executed very simply by following the onscreen instructions. After completion, the results can be stored and/or printed. The 2010 ISOMED protocols meet the requirements of the medical authorities to provide evidence for the quality checks carried out.