The Phantom Laboratory offers a comprehensive range of phantoms for performing quality assurance testing , acceptance testing and imaging studies for single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), coincidence detection systems,nuclear medicine, nuclear medicine and PET applications. Working with leading imaging physicists David Goodenough, Ph.D. and Steve Dyer, M.H.S. , Phantom Laboratory has designed phantoms that cover the full spectrum of key imaging characteristics of these modalities.
Available models
ECTphan™ Phantom (SMR330): The ECTphan™ Phantom is a cylindrical, liquid filled container with a variety of tests. The phantom can be used to evaluate the following SPECT system parameters: reconstructed uniformity, spatial resolution, low contrast resolution, pixel size, slice width, and center of rotation (COR). Additionally, the ECTphan™ Phantom data is suited for computer based analysis for the system parameters listed above.
ECT Line Source Phantom (SMR 355): The ECT Line Source Phantom is a cylindrical, liquid filled container with 3 line source inserts. The ECT Line Source Phantom enables testing for reconstructed spatial resolution with scatter for acceptance testing and routine center of rotation and QC testing.
LiquiPhil™ Head: A liquid-fillable head form which duplicates the outer contours of an male head and neck. The phantom is built to approximate the proportions of a fiftieth percentile male and are constructed of cellulose acetate butyrate, a transparent material that provides strength and low water absorption.LiquiPhil™ Phantoms are excellent for calibration, quality assurance, research, and training in nuclear medicine and SPECT studies.
LiquiPhil™ Organ Scanning Phantom: This phantom duplicates the torso of a fiftieth percentile male from the diaphragm to the upper pelvis.It is equipped with access covers to allow phantom tumors and organs – liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach, and pancreas – to be positioned within the torso.
LiquiPhil™ Optional Tumors: Additional holders that allow positioning of hot and cold spots within the organs or the phantom, which are created by either filling the tumors with contrast solutions or placing them cold inside contrast filled organs.
3D Image Fusion Cube: A 10 cm clear cube containing channels that can be filled with radioactive solutions. the channels have wires inserted are and are then visible in both SPECT/PET and CT imaging systems. This phantom is used for measurement and verification of fused image registration. Spatial resolution of SPECT/PET systems can also be measured off of the 1mm channels. The cube cubes in 2 versions. The SMR356 with perpendicular channels and the SMR357 with angled channels.