HPGe Spectrometer based on Planar Detector GPD Liquid Nitrogen cooled



Gamma and X–ray HPGe Spectrometer is intended for the conversion of gamma and X-ray quantum energy to signals proportional to their energy level. This is accomplished using amplitude electric signals and their amplification for further registration with a nuclear physics apparatus. It is also intended for use as the gamma and X-ray detection component of radiological monitoring equipment for environmental objects in nuclear energetics, industrial production, agriculture, medicine, etc.


  • Option to choose a preamplifier type with a resistive or opto-electronic feedback high energy rate up to 15000 MeV/sec
  • Ability to increase the energy rate to 20,000 MeV/sec radiation detection in any spatial orientation made possible by modifications to the portable cryostat during manufacturing
  • Can be transported and stored without cooling


Gamma and X–ray HPGe Spectrometer is intended for the conversion of Gamma and X-ray quantum energy to proportional level. This is accomplished using amplitude electric signals and their amplification for further registration with a nuclear physics apparatus. It is also intended for use as the gamma and X-ray detection component of radiological monitoring for environmental objects in nuclear energetics, industrial production, agriculture, medicine, etc.



Model Diameter, mm Detector Sensitive Area, mm2 Detector Sensitive Thickness, mm Energy Resolution at 5.9 keV, eV Energy Resolution at 122 keV, eV
GPD-05145 5206145465
GPD-08155 8506155485
GPD-12165 121007165490
GPD-12160 1210010160490
GPD-16180 1620011180495
GPD-25300 2550013300545
GPD-36360 36100013360585
GPD-36300 36100015300560
GPD-45400 45159014400600
GPD-50400 50200015400600
GPD-50600 50200020600750
GPD-50460 50200035460680
GPD-60500 60280025400/500700
GPD-70560 70380025560750
GPD-70600 70380030600780
GPD-80620 80 500030620800
GPD-80720 80500030480720
GPD-90500 90650030500+/-30750