LB 9140 Transportable α-β Moving Filter Monitor
The particulates monitor LB 9140 is used to measure airborne Alpha-/Beta particulates in the presence of naturally occurring (Radon) activity and fluctuating gamma backgrounds.
- Si-CAM detector unit 600 mm² for simultaneous separated Alpha-/Beta measurement on a flat dust collection area of 25 x 25 mm²
- Prompt artificial Alpha-/Beta activity measurement with Radon progeny compensation through ABPD & AED compensation method
- Optional gamma compensation detector mountable in the same geometry as the prompt Alpha-/Beta detector
- Continuously moving filter with 4 selectable speeds from 5 to 15 mm/h, filter change warning before end of tape. Stepwise filter mode option
- Small footprint, portable monitor
- Data logger electronics LB 5340 with graphical 7” color display, intelligent peripheral modules
- Silent, low maintenance pump unit with flow low check and 3 m³/h flow rate
- Optional flow meter (Mass flow meter or Vortex)