Mobile Radiation Monitor GammaCART


Mobile spectrometric system Mobile Radiation Monitor is designed to measure gamma radiation energy distribution, identify gamma emitting radionuclides, as well as calculate specific and surface activity of gamma emitting radionuclides under conditions of their natural occurrence and at nuclear industry premises. In addition, the system can be used for radiation monitoring, e.g., for examination of large areas, searching lost or stolen gamma radiation sources, study of radionuclide precipitation near radiation hazardous sites without preliminary sampling.


  • Electric vehicle as a mobile platform
  • Gamma radiation spectrometer containing:
    • Gamma radiation detector(s);
    • Multichannel channel analyzer Polynom;
  • Thermostabilization system (for NaI(Tl) or LaBr3(Ce) detectors) containing:
    • Thermostabilizing housing with a built-in heat exchanger
    • Cooling and heating system box;
    • Hoses for circulation of the cooling liquid;
  • Navigation system including a external antenna;
  • Shockproof toughbook operable in harsh conditions;
  • Router with antenna which provides connection between the analyzer, navigation system and toughbook;
  • Fixation and positioning system for the detection units;
  • Charger for the electric vehicle.


There are various modifications of system Mobile Radiation Monitor:
  • Containing spectrometer with one or two NaI(Tl) scintillation detection units;
  • Containing spectrometer with one or two LaBr3(Ce) scintillation detection units;
  • Containing spectrometer with one or two HPGe detection units


Measurement geometry (distance between the detector’s surface and the ground, cm) Radionuclide measured Activity measurement range, Bq/kg
1Surface activity measurement
25137 Cs
60 Co
134 Cs
0.035 ÷ 1300
0.021 ÷ 650
0.024 ÷ 500
40137 Cs
60 Co
134 Cs
0.04 ÷ 1400
0.023 ÷ 720
0.025 ÷ 560
60137 Cs
60 Co
134 Cs
0.046 ÷ 1600
0.028 ÷ 820
0.028 ÷ 620
Specific activity measurement
25137 Cs
60 Co
134 Cs
40 K
226 Ra
232 Th
0.0074 ÷ 125
0.0034 ÷ 50
0.005 ÷ 50
0.19 ÷ 930
0.01 ÷ 50
0.013 ÷ 40
40137 Cs
60 Co
134 Cs
40 K
226 Ra
232 Th
0.0086 ÷ 130
0.0038 ÷ 55
0.0054 ÷
55 0.20 ÷ 1000
0.01 ÷ 50
0.014 ÷ 45
60137 Cs
60 Co
134 Cs
40 K
226 Ra
232 Th
0.0090 ÷ 1300
0.0040 ÷ 650
0.0055 ÷ 500
0.21 ÷ 500
0.01 ÷ 50
0.015 ÷ 0


Mobile spectrometric system Mobile Radiation Monitor is designed to measure gamma radiation energy distribution, identify gamma emitting radionuclides, as well as calculate specific and surface activity of gamma emitting radionuclides under conditions of their natural occurrence and at nuclear industry premises.



Relative energy resolution for LaBr3(Ce) 3.5%
Registration efficiency for LaBr3(Ce) at least 0.6%
Energy range 40 keV ÷ 3000 keV
Integral nonlinearity < ±1.0 %
Energy conversion function (during 24 hours) < ±1.0 %
Maximum throughput of the spectrometer at least 5∙104 cps
Speed range of the electric vehicle
fast mode
slow mode

4 km/h – 25 km/h
0.5 km/h – 4 km/h
Operation setting time <10 minutes
Continuous operation time at least 8 hours
Completely charged 10 hours
Temperature range from -10°C to +55°С
The average MTBF 10000 hours