
The NEPTIS® NaF is a small synthesizer for the production of simple molecules which only require purification of the isotope (18F or 13N), such as [ 18F]NaF or [13N]Ammonia. The process is as simple as recovering the isotope produced by the cyclotron, and formulate it !

NEPTIS® NaF is a single 5 stopcocks manifold machine which can quickly run this 3 steps process: 

• STEP 1: the target is unloaded directly on the purification cartridge 

• STEP 2: using the syringe driver, the cartridge is rinsed to remove impurities 

• STEP 3: the final compound is eluted to give the final bulk solution 

As the process is very simple, the cassette contains a minimum of accessories and connections. Unlike other machines which require the installation of a complete kit, here only the useful components are used. This reduces manufacturing costs as well as the risk of errors. Yield is considered as quantitative ; the sequence is perfectly optimized to save significant time. The reconditioning of the purification cartridge as well as the rinsing of the manifold allows performing several consecutive runs without changing the cassette. A nice tool to have in the laboratory to free other synthesizers when production of [18F]NaF or [13N]Ammonia are required.


NEPTIS® NaF triple run:

• 1 ramp of 5 pneumatic actuators with 3 positions each 

• 1 rad detector 

• 1 syringe driver (10 ml) 

• 1 vacuum pump • sensors for vacuum, flow and pressure

W x D x H:
215 x 245 x 330 mm 

8.5 x 9.7 x 13.0 in


Power supply 100/240V AC, 50-60 Hz 

Compressed air 6 to 8 bars 

Nitrogen 3 to 8 bars


Current VIRTUAL SYNTHESIZER® Applications 

[ 18F] NaF 

[ 13N] Ammonia