Portable HPGe Gamma- & X-ray Spectrometer



Detection, accumulation, processing and analysis of gamma spectra in field and industry conditions were small dimension and weight of spectrometer are important.


  • Ultra-light cryostat fabrication for minimum gamma absorption;
  • Light weight aluminum construction;
  • Detection of radiation in any spatial orientation;
  • Compact low consuming electronics;
  • Available with HPGe coaxial or planar detector;
  • Transportation and storage without cooling.


Energy range, keV 40 – 3000
HPGe detector efficiency, % 30*
Energy resolution for 30% efficiency detector, keV at energy
122 keV
1.33 MeV

< 0.8
< 1.8
Time of cooling after refilling, h 4
Time of continuous operation (depending on Dewar vessel volume), h 24, 48, 96
Weight of detector with filled Dewar vessel, kg 1,5 l 3,0 l 5,0 l 7 11 15
* 10% – 50% efficient Coaxial or Planar HPGe detectors are available by separate order