Wrist Gamma Watch Dosimeter РМ1603A

Dosimeters perform monitoring and measurement of ambient dose equivalent and ambient dose equivalent rate in the wide energy range – from the natural background level up to 5-10 Sv/h (500-1000 R/h). Instruments have two thresholds in DER and DE ranges and non-volatile memory for data storage. Hermetic, water-resistant and shockproof case and the fluorescent backlight on LCD screen allow to use instruments in harsh and extreme conditions.  

PM1603A and PM1603B dosimeters are recommended for emergency services, customs and border patrol, radiological and radioisotope laboratories, medical professionals, personnel of nuclear facilities, civil defense, fire secure and police.


Operation Principle

PM1603A and PM1603B models are energy-compensated wrist dosimeters of pocket size that measure personal dose equivalent (DE) and personal dose equivalent rate (DER) of both gamma and X-ray radiation. Dosimeters have two alarm thresholds. If the preset dose and dose rate thresholds are exceeded, instruments immediately alerts the user through an audible alarm. Dosimeters store up to 1000 events in non-volatile memory and transmit all recorded data via an infrared channel to a PC for further processing and analysis.

Network Functions

Dosimeters can be integrated into Personal Dose Tracker System developed by Polimaster for continuous account for external radiation exposure, maintenance of dose history database and calculation of the personnel accumulated doses (individual as well as group doses) during the set period of time, automated preset threshold (individual as well as group thresholds) alarm signal.