XR-100CdTe X-Ray & Gamma Ray Detector
The XR-100CdTe is a thermoelectrically cooled X-ray detector and preamplifier using a CdTe diode. The high stopping power of CdTe makes excellent for applications requiring high detection efficiency at energies up to 100 keV. Its performance, small size, and low cost make it ideal for applications including monitoring of X-ray tubes and ED-XRF on the K lines of rare earth metals, lead, gold, uranium, and other high Z materials.
NEW!!! Now available with Graphite Windows that are 1 mil (25 µm) thick, made of 100% carbon, and equivalent in Energy Transmission to 4 mil (100 µm) Be windows.
The XR-100CdTe is a high performance x-ray and gamma ray detector, preamplifier, and cooler system using 5 x 5 x 1 mm Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) diode detector mounted on a two-stage thermoelectric cooler. The XR-100-CdTe is capable of detecting energies from a few keV to several hundreds of keV, with an efficiency that peaks from 10 to 100 keV.
Power to the XR-100CdTe is best provided by the PX5. The PX5 is DC powered by an AC adapter and provides a variable Digital Pulse Shaping Amplifier (0.2 µs to 100 µs peaking time), the MCA function, and all necessary power supplies for the detector and preamplifier. The PX5 connects via USB, RS-232, or Ethernet to a PC. The XR-100CdTe/PX5 system ensures stable operation in less than one minute from power turn-on.
- Medical X-Ray and Gamma Ray Detection: Mamography and Radiology
- Characterization of x-ray tubes: direct output spectrum, current stability
- X-Ray Fluorescence
- Art and Archaeology
- Portable X-Ray and Gamma Ray Instruments
- X-Ray and Gamma Ray Research
- Teaching
- Nuclear Plant Monitoring
- Uranium and Plutonium Detection
- CdTe Diode Detector
- Thermoelectric (Peltier) Cooler
- Cooled FET
- Temperature Monitor
- Graphite or Beryllium Window
- Hermetic Package (TO-8)